But we want to take a leap in quality and internationalize the product, with distributors in all parts of the world. We are still the two founders, we sell approximately 150 units a month without counting distributors and we. We created the are close to closing agreements to start selling. The product in the United States and Mexico . For us, the most satisfying thing about starting a business is starting to see results.
Learned and the good times you get
We always say that, even if tomorrow this didn’t end the way we would like, it would have been worth it with everything we have from a venture. We have Brazil Phone Number Data enjoyed every day since. We created the we started the project. But there have also been difficulties. If you are not used to difficulties, don’t even consider starting. We could count one difficulty for each day we have been with the project.
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Don’t give up, even if it seems like you can’t continue (there is always a way) and be patient. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest. WhatsApp Email Guest Brazil Phone Number List a professional with experience. We created the in strategy, marketing and business, who wanted to share his knowledge with the entrepreneurial community. Home » Entrepreneurship. We created the Towel-Hammock for the beach and today we sell 150 units per month.