Some people may associate the name

Are you! interested in introducing digital gifts into your company’s marketing!but! don’t have an idea of ​​what kind of products are actually available?

“digital gift” with! digital-related items, but in reality!just like analog gifts!there is a wide lineup of digital gifts to suit the recipient. If you know what they are! you will be surprised at the wide range of options.
In this article!we will introduce the main types of digital gifts and some specific products.


There are three types of digital gifts:

Before introducing the products, let’s first explain the types of digital gifts. Digital gifts can be divided into the following three types.

1.Coupon type

2. Product exchange type

3. Gift catalogue type

A gift certificate can be used in almost the same way as cash, such as a department store gift certificate or a QUO card.
>For the recipient, the appeal is the freedom to buy what they want, when they want, and the fact that they can be used in conjunction with cash.
>For the sender, it  austria phone number library is also useful when you are not sure of the recipient’s preferences, as it saves you the trouble of having to choose.

As the name suggests, the product exchange type
is something that can be exchanged for products at the store. Unlike the cash voucher type, you cannot freely choose the products, but instead, it has the interesting effect of giving you the opportunity to learn about the store’s recommended menu items and products and services that you would not normally choose.

The gift catalog type is similar to an analog catalog in that you choose your favorite products from a list displayed on your smartphone screen. It’s a digital version of the familiar style of wedding favors.

From standard items such as coffee and sweets to A5 rank Wagyu beef and premium travel vouchers


Now let’s take a look at what products are available in detail.

Major food chains and convenience stores were early adopters of digital gifts, and so they have a wide range of digital gifts available.
>The most popular are “a  ai ching goh from piktochart cup of coffee” and “popular sweets” that can be used at convenience stores. Other popular items
include “new menu items,” “limited-time flavors,” and “1,000 yen meal vouchers” that can be used at fast food restaurants and major coffee chains.
>Gourmet food is gourmet food, but in this day and age when people want to enrich their time at home, digital gifts in the form of vouchers cell phone number that can be used for “mail-order gourmet food” and “delivery services” are popular. As a sender, you will also find it easy to use because you can set the amount according to the time, place, and occasion.

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