What role does it play in your organization? Do you think that this has changed in any way recently?
Yes, definitely. The large proportion of remote work makes it difficult to have a quick, open exchange. We need to find new ways to replace brief encounters in the hallway or informal exchanges in the coffee kitchen. Personally, I try to get in touch with as many colleagues as possible in a structured way, even without a specific agenda. Unfortunately, this is often neglected in the daily re-prioritization.
Remote work also requires trust
some cases makes classic management frameworks and top-down approaches more difficult. We introduced the OKR framework before Corona, and it has proven to be very useful for us. Each paytm data employee is an expert in their own area and is best placed to judge what should be worked on. We use this know-how and enable employees to directly develop their own work environment and the company. At the same time, employees know why they are working on something and what others are working on. This creates understanding for colleagues and the “big picture”.
“I don’t think that digitalization can help directly. […] But digital tools and processes can be useful for providing data for analysis or reducing manual effort so that you can focus on the essential things (in a crisis). ”
Topic area: “Mindset, competencies
What mindset and skills do (smaller) companies/organizations qatar numbers need to emerge stronger from crisis situations and to operate successfully under uncertainty?
In a way, I can only repeat myself here: for me, the most important things are agility and good communication with employees and customers. What you definitely shouldn’t forget is a certain positivity and confidence that you will succeed – this naturally also radiates out to the environment and the team.
What role can digitalization play in finding answers in crisis situations?
To be honest, I don’t think that digitalization can help directly. A crisis is always at least a deviation from the normal state, a change in the framework parameters that was not whatsapp business: benefits of using automation for your company Now let’s turn to the expected and for which there is little to no comparative data.
Digital tools and processes can be useful for providing data for analysis or reducing manual effort so that you can focus on the essential things (in a crisis). However, decisions in a crisis are more decisions under uncertainty than at other times.
Depending on the type of digitization, it can help to implement decisions quickly in the second step. However, it can even lead to a delay, as people can usually adapt faster than systems can be adapted.
“On a global level, Corona has advanced digitalization as companies have had to adapt to increasingly digital collaboration.”