This is the content area , also where I am.
And that’s why the content business and my business model as a writer has a very low barrier to entry and therefore a very low score.
The content business has a very low score when it comes to entry .
It’s very easy to get in there.
Today you can install a blog within 3 minutes.
With just one click, WordPress is ready.
You can create an Instagram account within a minute
On YouTube you can have an account within a minute.
You can even publish an eBook on Amazon within 5 minutes.
Today, this can be done with just a few clicks and we can see this in the numbers.
Over 4 million books are published every year.
So there is a huge flood of books out there.
It is estimated that on average a book is sold only 200 times per year .
And in his entire lifespan only 1000 times .
This means that of the millions of books that come out, an average of 200 are sold each year.
and 20% of authors do n’t earn a penny.
and 90% of authors on Amazon sell less than 100 copies.
Why are the numbers so bad?
Because it’s so easy to get in there.
Every Hans Wurst.
Anyone can just come in and publish their book.
(Reading tip: Improve greece email list your writing style with these 5 exercises)
For this reason,
Content Business has a poor score in the Entry area.
Very low barrier to entry.
But as I said, because of the other laws that we will go through in a moment, it is still a good business model.The third commandment is the commandment of need, and the “ N ” stands for need .
So what does the market need?
What do people need?
Common mistakes people make:
They start a blog or a YouTube channel about their passion, about what interests them, and just start writing about their passion.
The problem is, if you’re the only one who’s passionate about it, you won’t have an audience and people won’t spend money on it.
Therefore, you have to ask yourself the question:
What am I enthusiastic about?
Where do I have passion?
But you also have to ask a second question:
What problem advanced device targeting can I solve with this?
What needs can I meet with this?
How does it work?
Imagine you agent email list are interested in board games or game theory and how games are designed.
Then you can, for example, create a YouTube channel about board games.
This works, but the problem you solve is quite small.
You simply solve the problem according to the question: