What types of content are there?


Participate in certain tasks or choreographies. Brands and companies use popular and frequently used hashtags, for example, content are there and call for a challenge in which users produce a specific piece of content and add this hashtag.

Influencer Marketing:

A protagonist takes over the channel rcs database and produces videos that are intended to bring the brand closer to the user. This can be the managing director (corporate influencer) or, for example, a well-known YouTuber from the industry who has the same target group – a craftsman for an online shop with craft accessories.

In-Feed Ads:

Ads that can be placed like on other social media channels (payment models: CPC, CPM, CPV).

Branded Lenses:

Branded lenses are so-called effect filters. They are used by content are there users and thus spread further.

Brand takeover:

When you open the app, a video or animation the art of seduction is shown for a few seconds, which you cannot skip. However, this is relatively expensive.

TikTok for B2B companies

There are pro accounts for companies, i.e. business accounts. Here you get analyses of followers and content performance. When using TikTok, however, you have to be aware that you have to go beyond certain limits so that the content performs. Not every employee or manager likes being in front of the camera and some videos are more humorous than serious. You have to be very careful here that the professional image does not suffer. However, this content are there offers the opportunity to show an innovative side of the company, to appeal to a younger generation who may be studying at the moment or working as a young manager or executive in a department.

However, the app is already useful for many companies, especially for recruiting measures and employer branding. Apprentice campaigns can europe email be implemented here without a large budget, and the more creative and experimental they are, the better they will be received. TikTok can also be used for general branding and image purposes. Have you always wanted to provide more insights into your research. Production/development or everyday office life and haven’t found the right format for it yet? Maybe TikTok is it.

However, one big opportunity is that there are probably few competitors getting in the way. There is a lot to be gained organically here! In the craft sector, for example, Würth  is very present with 30k followers. From explanatory videos, behind-the-scenes insights, funny Christmas videos and hands-on videos, everything is here.

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