Alex Hormozi has it not only in his arms.
But also in the head.
With his book “100M Dollar Offers” he made a dent in the business universe.
But critics say:
There’s nothing new here. He’s just rehashing old stuff.
I am in the middle
1. I learn from everything and everyone.
2. I take the good. I leave the bad.
3. And besides, there is an art to reviving old things in such a way that they hit a nerve.
I’ll show you how Alex does it.
In this article I will show you the most important lessons I learned from Alex Hormozi.
You will learn:
Why Alex Hormozi says (almost) nothing new – and yet is so successful
How to make more money by understanding the 4 levers
How to create an offer that people are happy to buy for a lot of money
What is the most valuable skill on the planet – and how to learn it
Here are my 10 learnings from Alex Hormozi:
Table of contents
1) The real reason you need to do so much marketing
2) First the promise, then the fulfillment
3) The 4 levers of money according to Alex Hormozi
4) 99% underestimate the effort
5) Media is the new oil.
6) The most japan email list valuable skill on the planet
7) The King on the Business Chessboard
8) The Price of Fame
9) How to destroy every objection your reader has
10) Old principles, new packaging
What did you learn from Alex Hormozi?
1) The real reason you need to do so much marketing
Alex and Leila Hormozi
You have the choice:
Way 1: Write a so-so book
And spend the rest of your life marketing it.
Because an average book doesn’t sell itself. It has no pull. You have to constantly advertise and push it to the people.
Way 2: Invest 20x more time and effort into an excellent book.
And benefit from it for the rest of your life.
You don’t have rhythm in the blood to “push” an excellent book – it attracts people on its own. Word gets around. It gets recommended. It gets passed on.
At first glance, the agent email list second path is too strenuous.
But on second glance, this path brings you much more money and freedom because you don’t have to peddle your book like a vacuum cleaner salesman.
By the way, here is my guide: Writing a book in 6 steps