Sip Whiskey uses Bold Product

options to add the option Sip Whiskey u of either a jamaica phone number library personalized message, gift wrapping, or both.

Image of a bottle of scotch

If someone is spending a hundred dollars or more on a nice bottle of whiskey, chances are they won’t mind spending a little more to add these personalization features. It makes it that much more special for whoever is receiving the gift!

This is a great upsell option for any giftable product, and can also be used to give the option of gift wrapping throughout the holiday season.

For a quick tutorial on how to add this type of upsell using the Bold Product Options app, check out how to add a gift wrap option to your Shopify store in 3 easy steps.

On to the next upsell!

3. Upselling add-ons
This is a little bit different than cross-selling.

Where cross-selling tends to give the option to add a second (or third!) compleimentary item — something that truly compliments the initial item — add-ons can be just about anything the customer tags onto their purchase.

Canadian flower delivery service, Callia, does a nice job of including some potential add-ons with their user experience and engagement have become increasingly beautiful bouquets.

Man holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers

Customers can increase adb directory the size of their order by anywhere from $9 – $53 dollars with these simple, sentimental add-on items.

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