It is the obligation of every entrepreneur to maintain a valid CNPJ. For the business to prosper, the first step is to ensure that it operates properly and is legal before official bodies.
After all, an unfit CNPJ can bring a series of complications, from the impossibility of issuing invoices to the difficulty of obtaining credit and signing contracts with other companies.
Therefore, complying with tax, labor and social security obligations is essential to avoid fines and other penalties. To learn how to regularize your CNPJ effectively and when it is necessary to carry out this process , continue reading.
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What does it mean to have an unfit CNPJ?
Having an unfit CNPJ National south africa whatsapp number data of Legal Entities means that the company has irregularities or pending issues with the Federal Revenue Service and other competent bodies.
These issues may be of a fiscal, accounting or administrative nature , and indicate a lack of compliance with legal and tax obligations required by Brazilian law. Irregularities may include:
- Failure to submit tax returns : such as DCTF ( Declaration of Federal Tax Debits and Credits ) and ECD ( Digital Accounting Records ).
- Pending tax payments: outstanding debts with the Federal Revenue Service or other tax authorities, such as IRPJ ( Corporate Income Tax ), CSLL (Social Contribution on Net Income) and PIS/Cofins, may generate irregularities.
- Default on ancillary obligations: failure to submit ancillary obligations, such as GFIP (FGTS Collection Guide and Social Security Information) and DIRF (Income Tax Withheld at Source Declaration), may also compromise regularity.
- Outdated registration : outdated or incorrect data in the CNPJ registration, such as address, economic activity or list of partners, can cause irregularities.
- Pending issues with other bodies : debts and pending issues with states, municipalities or professional associations may affect the regularity of the CNPJ.
See more: learn how to calculate IRPJ .
Why is it necessary to regularize the CNPJ?
Regularizing the CNPJ is necessary a negative review on google the company has pending issues that prevent its full and legal operation .
In other words, from the moment the issue is identified, it is the company’s responsibility to take steps to regularize the situation. After all, these problems make several business processes impossible.
See some processes that can when having problems with the CNPJ:
- Impediments to issuing invoices : companies with irregular CNPJ may from issuing invoices, compromising their commercial operations.
- Participation in tenders : companies with tax or registration issues cannot participate in public tenders.
- Access to credit and financing : financial institutions require tax and registration regularity to grant credit and financing.
- Banking operations : a regular CNPJ is necessary to maintain business bank accounts and carry out financial transactions.
- Collection of penalties and fines: The Federal Revenue Service and other tax agencies may apply fines and penalties for late filing of declarations and non-payment of taxes.
- Suspension of activities : in extreme cases, the company may have its activities the CNPJ.
- Damage to reputation : remaining irregular can harm the company’s image among customers, suppliers and partners. After all, it is possible to consult a company’s CNPJ .
How much does it cost to regularize the CNPJ?
The cost of regularizing a CNPJ may vary cyprus business directory on the nature and extent of the issues to be resolved.
After all, each company operates according to specific characteristics, such as size, revenue, taxation, corporate model, etc. Therefore, all of these characteristics count when it comes to understanding values for regularization.
Generally, the fees for submitting documents after the deadline start at R$200.00. Interest and fines for late payment are also charged , which start from the time the regularization was delayed.