Advice from lawyers to solve debts

The best advice that lawyers can give you to solve debts is, without a doubt, to avoid falling into them. However, we know that the reality of debts is much more complex. On many occasions, people are forced to acquire debts in order to access necessary goods, such as a home, a car or even to be able to work remotely with the right equipment.

It is inevitable that debts are not part of the financial life of many people, the key is to know how to manage them properly when they arise. It is not just about avoiding debts, but knowing how to face them and finding solutions that allow you to move forward without falling into more difficult situations. Therefore, surrounding yourself with experts in the field in these cases is key.

Phases of debts

Generally, debts have a statute of limitations , that is, a time gambling data taiwan limit for claiming payment. This period varies depending on the type of debt:

  • Debts for professional services expire five years after the service was provided.
  • Mortgage debts expire after twenty years, which is the longest period.
  • Tax debts , on the other hand, expire four years after the deadline for paying them has expired. This deadline may be interrupted if the Tax Authority takes any action to claim the debt, such as sending a letter or initiating a collection procedure.
  • In the area of ​​Social Security , the statute of limitations for debts is four years. This period is also interrupted by any administrative action that acknowledges or attempts to collect the debt.

It should be noted that the creditor may interrupt these periods with payment requests or if the debtor acknowledges the debt.

Extrajudicial procedure

As a general rule, creditors try to reach an agreement free and easy: upload your music to youtube music today with the debtor before initiating any legal procedure . Often, a “bad agreement” is better than a good lawsuit. Why? Because an agreement is better, even if it is not very advantageous, and thus avoids long and costly lawsuits with uncertain results.

If the extrajudicial route does not bear fruit, there is no other option but to resort to the judicial route.

The Second Chance Law also comes into play here

Which the debtor can benefit from. This law applies to contact lists any  natural person , whether private or self-employed, in a state of insolvency due to over-indebtedness. Even those who have  guaranteed a family member who has debts can benefit from it. It makes it possible to eliminate a certain debt if there are no mechanisms to deal with it.

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