When you become like Tom Cruise

To get those links, you first need to be known and gain the trust of other website administrators.

As Neil Patel said, if a stranger asks a girl to marry.

Him at first sight, she will definitely say no. On the other hand, if that stranger invites her for coffee, she may be much more likely to accept the invitation.

it’s possible that some girls will belarus phone number data want to marry you without you even asking them.

It’s the same with natural links. Once you  become well-known and your website image inspires trust in a field, people will mention your site without you having to contact them. In fact, they may even ask your permission.

If someone mentions you without linking, you can use a tool like Brand Mentions to find out.


With the power of the internet, you can now network anytime, anywhere. However, the most effective way would be to go to an event or meeting. There you will meet important and influential people.


Of course, if you sell footwear, a digital that must have been pretty exhausting marketing event like GPeC might not be very useful for you in terms of networking. However, there are specific gatherings for you, such as fashion shows. If you are involved in the fitness industry, any outdoor sports event presents a good networking opportunity.

Networking vs Network Marketing

Although we could say it’s a kind of Network Marketing, I don’t want you to confuse Networking with Network Marketing. Networking is about  dz leads meeting people and building relationships, and Network Marketing is about selling to/through a network of acquaintances.

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