People leadership and the role of HR

Regardless of this, Germany offers outstanding opportunities for companies and their employees to overcome crises compared to other countries. A good example of this is short-time work. At the same time, it is unfortunately incredibly bureaucratic to use these options. We also used short-time work when sales initially collapsed at the beginning of Corona. This gave us time to initiate other measures that ultimately got us through the crisis.

“Many employees ask themselves

how secure their own jobs still are. As a manager, however, it is hardly possible
to make a promise about job security.”

What does this situation do to people? What do office 365 data managers and employees in (smaller) companies/organizations need to do to deal with it in a targeted manner?

Of course, this creates uncertainty among employees. Many are asking themselves whether their own jobs are still safe. As a manager, however, it is hardly possible to make a promise about job security.

We decided to do everything we could to avoid having to issue layoffs and communicated this to the team. We also showed what each individual can do to help the company get through the crisis. I have the impression that we were able to create a focus on the relevant issues.


How do you rate the role of HR

(Human Resources / Human Relations), especially in (smaller) companies/organizations? What can – or even must – HR do to consciously counteract this and make the organization “fit for the future”?

HR, together with management, is the central interface between the company and its employees. Since transparent and engaging communication is crucial, especially in times of rapid qatar numbers change, HR is particularly challenged. It is important to me to stress that communication cannot “just” be top-down, but that employees must be actively involved, and concerns and worries must be heard and channeled. This task is always important, but in times of crisis it is crucial to whether employees follow the company’s path.

What does all this mean for HR?

What specific HR challenges do you see?

Of course, it is important to be able to focus on value-adding 5 design trends for 2024: stay on top of what’s hot! tasks and not to drown in administrative processes. Digital tools and integrated processes can help here.

On the other hand, in small companies, “digitalization” and “crisis communication” are rarely found in a job advertisement for HR employees. One reason for this is that in SMEs, HR work is usually done by the People leadership  managing director himself or just one person. There are simply too many other topics that are important. You don’t think about additional requirements and it probably makes the selection process more difficult if you are serious about it.

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