How to succeed in your b2b prospecting while complying with gdpr?

In the B2B world , sales prospecting is an essential lever for the development of companies’ activities. Since the entry into force of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in 2018, companies must reconcile the effectiveness of their campaigns with the GDPR Regulation on data processing.

In this article discover how to adopt innovative

BtoB prospecting methods while complying with the obligations of the new regulation in force to protect optimized b2b prospecting results that support the standards defined by the European Union.

Understanding GDPR: Impact on B2B Personal Data

The General Data Protection Regulation aims to protect the personal data of European citizens. In B2B, business contact twitter database information such as name. Business email address and phone number are considered. Personal data. Consequently, all companies must adjust their practices to ensure that the processing of information complies economy airbnb loved over traditional with the data protection framework set out in the Regulation. This compliance includes obligations regarding transparency, security and management of the information collected. Non-compliance with the GDPR can lead to penalties and damage to a company’s reputation.

Key points to ensure compliance with the GDPR:

Consent and rights of interested parties

In B2B, even if explicit consent is less strict than in B2C, it is essential to respect the right of individuals to refuse any communication. Make sure that the collection and processing of personal china phone numbers information is carried out. Within the framework of the confidentiality policy and respects. The rights of the individuals concerned, in particular their right to have their information deleted.

Legitimate interest: a legal basis for B2B prospecting

Allowing companies to contact potential new contacts without prior consent. To respect this legal basis, it is essential to ensure that prospecting is relevant and non-intrusive, and that it concerns offers tailored to the needs of potential prospects. Data processing must be justified by a genuine business need and comply with EU rules. In practice, this means processing only relevant information and restricting contacts to minimise the risk of intrusion.

 Transparency and information

It is essential to inform your potential prospects about. The use of their data from the moment it is collected. This transparency allows potential customers to understand how their data is treated and ensures.

Data preservation and security

Companies must adhere to the GDPR requirements regarding the retention period of personal information. Data must be retained for as long as. Necessary to achieve the purposes defined by the company. An appropriate management system, including the periodic deletion of obsolete information, ensures the security and integrity of data, while respecting the principles of the new regulation in force.

B2B prospecting databases:

quality and compliance with the GDPR
An up-to- and compliance of data processing.

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