The company has a total of 25 people

Impacted by the armed conflict who work from 5 active production workshops located in Cundinamarca , Bogotá DC , Tolima .Guaviare and Caquetá , many of them belonging to figures of the solidarity economy, such as. The Cooperativa Tejiendo Peace and the Sewing. Dreams Association . They have two fixed points of sale in Bogotá , one in the  on the second floor of the Casa de la Paz (La Trocha). In addition, during the pandemic, and today, they have promoted virtual sales throughout the country, reaching an annual average of 12 thousand items sold . In addition, it was recently selected as one of the winning companies of “The power to give a hand” , Unicentro Bogotá ‘s commercial acceleration program .

Unicentro Shopping Center and another

We asked Angela what 3 pieces of advice she gives to other entrepreneurs who are starting out, and these were her answers: «If we have learned anything at Manifesta, it is that it is very important not to  Netherlands Phone Number Data undertake alone. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you and have the same dreams as you is essential. Teamwork and collaboration are key to peace. We are convinced of the strength of the collective.” «Secondly, we believe that, although it may be an expense, entrepreneurs must leave urban centers and ally ourselves with  has a total  want to get ahead. Sooner or later, clients will recognize those efforts and that will positively impact your project.” «Thirdly, we find it crucial to be very smart when it comes to spending.

All those who from rural areas also

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“We are very cautious with investments, and when starting a venture it is better to go step by step, testing the market in case  New Zealand Phone Number List the plans do not turn out as you had them.” «The most satisfying thing about undertaking has been realizing that we are not alone. The support network for social entrepreneurs is increasingly broader, and together we are able The company has a total   to generate significant discussions about how to make Colombia more sustainable from the private sector. It is also gratifying to see how our effort and teamwork bear fruit, growing as a company and managing to positively impact the lives of people allied to Manifesta, contributing to the construction of peace in our country.»

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