Collaborative Economy Industry Stats

Stats that you’ll need to make decisions. Additionally.I’ll link to other listings and indexes that will provide further context. My goal is to serve as an industry curator to advance our collective knowledge.  Research, and for my own personal understanding. If you want an overview. With three business opportunities for corporations, read the full report on the Collaborative Economy Value Chain. Please leave comments with your stats and a URL. I’ll be happy to add and credit you. Scope: The sharing of goods, services, space, and money. Updates: Industry Stats This page was last updated on Oct 25th, 2013.

Capacity, and impact

Market Capitalization Market Cap of Industry: “Rachel Botsman, the author of a book on the subject, says the consumer peer-to-peer rental market alone is worth $26 billion.” – The Economist, March 2013 “UK Consumer earnings from the Sharing Economy totaled £4.6 billion from May 2012 – May 2013. For comparison. US sharers are Australia Phone Number Data estimated to make $3.5 billion in 2013. 64% of UK adults or 32.4 million now participate in the Sharing Economy. More than 1 in 3 UK adults have participated in car sharing (36%) with a further 39% who would consider it. 36% of those.

Phone Number Data

Who participate in the Sharing Economy

Do so to save or earn money (top motivator to share). ” provided to me by Benita Matofska of The People Who Share, May 2013 I suspect Algeria Phone Number List the following quote is referencing Rachel’s quote: “The sharing economy has an estimated $26 billion value, including online platforms that make it easy to do everything from renting out spare rooms in your home (AirBnb) to car-sharing (Zipcar), clothing swaps (ThredUP), and even sharing extra portions from home-cooked meals (Shareyourmeal, of course).” – Airbnb study, sourced in Fast Company/WSJ, May 2013 Forbes estimates.

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