As an online entity, By an authority to have an SSL connection with your users.
As a result of this handshake, a symmetric encryption cipher will be generated. The SSL certificate contains the server’s public key. Thus, the Browser can use that public key to encrypt and send the symmetric communication cipher to the server. Once received, the message is decrypted by the server using the private key, and then communication can take place using the symmetric cipher.
How to get a free SSL certificate and install it
Not long ago I was able to install a free SSL certificate.
Before we can get free HTTPS for our website, we need to generate a certificate and set up the server correctly.
To do this, you will need access to your cameroon phone number data web hosting provider’s cPanel. There, look for SSL/TLS > Certificate Signing Request.
SSL certificate generation request
You will need to fill in some information about your website first, including the domain name. After you fill in your personal information, a CSR code (which must be sent the majority of the time you spend to the certificate authority) and a private key will be generated.
Of course, the best option would be to purchase a paid certificate. This comes with installation assistance and probably several small rewards from Google.
To generate the free certificate, you can use Zero SSL (Let’s Encrypt) , Comodo , or CloudFlare .
You can sometimes get free SSL certificates dz leads from Let’s Encrypt directly from your cPanel, if your hosting provider has set it up and allows it. Look for a Let’s Encrypt SSL box in the SSL/TLS area of cPanel.