If your site is hosted on WordPress.com, then you will receive a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt .
Very important: Once you have installed the certificate, you will need to set up a 301 redirect from any HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs.
The process of migrating from HTTP to HTTPS is complicated and risky from an SEO perspective.
Without these redirects, Google will see HTTP URLs as gone and HTTPS URLs as new. You will also need to mark these changes in Google bulgaria phone number data Analytics and Search Console. Contact a specialist before doing this. If you plan to do it yourself, read this list .
If you have WordPress
You can use a plugin called Really Simple SSL to do these redirects. There are plugins for other platforms as well. You can find them on Google.
If you have a custom platform, you will need to redirect any URL via 301 from the HTTP version to the HTTPS version in any case. You can do this using the .htaccess file, if you are running on an Apache server. You can find this file together banking retirement plans and insurance with all the other files of your website, in the pulic_html directory. Don’t forget to replace example.ro with your domain.
The only downside to SSL connections might be that they can make your website a little slower.
The truth is that when you use an SSL connection, the loading speed of the website will decrease. This is normal, since the server processor now has to encrypt data, and the browser has to verify the authenticity with each new session.
I have clearly noticed slower loading speeds when using CloudFlare.
However, the effect is insignificant (0.1 sec). A secure connection to users is much more important.
The process of installing an SSL certificate is dz leads not complicated at all. A secure connection is essential for the safe growth of your online business. Install a free SSL certificate on your website now, if the paid options seem too expensive for you. What is Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and how does it affect SEO?