Four Ways the Crowd Gets What they Need

Packaged goods, durable goods, and some of the top retailer brands in the entire world. I’m here to speak to 300 corporate folks, at an event hosted by Magnet 360, Salesforce, and Marketo. What am I going to tell them? That people are shifting their behaviors and, enabled by internet tools, that they can share products with each other rather than buy them. I’m going to tell them that people can buy once and that then they can share the products that they have acquired with each other many tires over. I’m going to tell them that the people What they Need in the crowd can get what they want from each other.

That their reliance

On corporations can be reduced. I’m going to tell them that they could be facing reduced revenues. I’m even going to tell them that they could potentially lose their jobs. As I prepare to head to the stage in a few hours, I must Cambodia Phone Number Data admit that some ominous thoughts are racing thoughts my mind. I’m going to deliver some bad news. How will they react? Will they tune me out and surf Instagram, ignore me or tweet bad things about me? Or, maybe, throw those little Italian hotel candies at me? In conclusion, I’m here to tell them there are many reasons why this sharing movement is happening.

Phone Number Data

Not only does social technology

Make it super easy for people to connect, but, for some people, sharing used goods is often just as good as buying new. I’ll tell them that a new class of “Conscious Consumers” wants to reduce needless consumption. I’ll also tell Australia Phone Number List them that, due to the rapid increase in world population, we really don’t have a choice as a planet, but must be more careful with our fixed resources I’m even going to tell them that I, myself, have become a Conscious Consumer. Aside from consumables, like food, gas, and personal health items, I can count on one hand the physical goods I’ve purchased in the last two months.

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