What does this technique do for your SEO?

An open loop leaves your reader with unanswered questions in their mind. This creates a circle that hasn’t been closed. And because the brain is designed to hate open loops, it forces you to keep reading to find out the answer, closing the circle.

Very easy:

If you manage to string one open loop after the other, your reader will be yours alone. Not even a pop-up of a half-naked lady will be able to tear his eyes away from your text.

And the best part :

This not only increases the amount of time your articles are viewed, but also the likelihood that your reader will do what you want them to do. What do I mean by that?

Experiments have shown that the longer a reader reads your text, the higher the chance they will buy something from you. The same applies to opt-ins and backlinks.

Here are 3 quick tips on how to incorporate an open loop into your text:

1) Ask questions. Why? They are like a magic spell and always work: the reader continues reading until the question is answered and the loop is closed.

2) Tell a story. This is not an invitation to write a novel . Use fast-paced storytelling . Lead the reader quickly to the conflict, but don’t resolve it. Let it hang in the air for a while.

3) Bizarre facts. Most india email list motion detectors do not react to movement – but to heat. Such facts can be an entertaining introduction and lighten up the text. The reader usually asks himself what this fact has to do with the topic – and this question is a perfect template to build a bridge to your topic.

By the way:

Do you want to know what “side effect” such bizarre facts have?

The next time you see a motion detector, you will think of me – and this article.

But let’s move on to the next technique:


 Write like a Nobel Prize winner

“I don’t give a shit about all this.”

Nobody had using bing for a competitive advantage expected his reaction, because this honor had saved him from ruin:

On October 28, 1954 at 11 a.m. the author learned that he would receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

His enthusiasm agb directory was great.

The answer was sober – like his writing style .

In a letter to his friend he wrote:

“No chance to enjoy the award. Just photographers.

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