We all know the old saying:

If you want to run a business, you have to separate your income from your time.

“Stop trading time for money.”

That’s true, but there is no such thing as truly passive income.

Some people sell writing books as passive income

“Write a book, publish it on Amazon, and you’ll earn passive income.”

You have to keep up the time you put in beforehand.

It is not passive .

It is delayed.

The same applies to stocks.

You must first earn the wealth that you invest in stocks.

You earned it with time .

So don’t come with this “ passive income ” nonsense.

You have to manage to decouple your income from your time .

To create it indirectly delayed and leveraged.

For example, if you write a book,

If you invest for six months, you can sell it for the next six years or, if it becomes a classic, the next 60 years.

This means you have separated your income from your time.

For example, if you do consulting.

If you are a coach and do one-on-one work, then it is still very much tied to your time.

You have your hourly rates or your daily rates that you make.

What you can then do is start giving seminars

You’re no longer doing one to one, but one to many.

This means you have leveraged it many times over, but it is still tied to your time.

If you don’t give india email list seminars, you don’t earn any money.

What you could then do is hire someone to do the seminars for you.

Then all you have to do is control the person who is holding the seminars.

This means you spend less time.

It doesn’t work without time

The trick is to decouple your income from your time.

With the content business, this is super easy because you put your work into the content and then that content is sold, not your time.

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Content can be a book, an audio program, an online course or a webinar.

In the content business, it is agent email list very good and easy to decouple your time.

That is why the content business also scores highly here .

The risk here, of course, as with any entrepreneurship, is that with one-to-one advice you have a fairly linear profit estimate,

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