This will give you the score for your offer

Result x probability – price and all that divided by time.


For example, the result is:

Get a muscular body and look like Thor.

We multiply that by the probability , so what increases the probability of this outcome occurring?

For example, scientific research is behind it.

You get 1:1 Zoom calls

You will receive a customized nutrition plan.

And you even get a free gym membership in your area for a year.

Minus the price and divide that by the time.

So how long it takes.

Let’s say 6 months .

The complete transformation, but only two weeks until you see the first results.

First you multiply the result by the probability, divide it by the time and then minus the price.

If the price here is €10,000 , then the score of the offer goes down significantly.

If the price is only €100 , people think:

“Wow, the offer is better then.”

But 100 €, that lowers the credibility.

The gym membership alone would be €600 a year.

Therefore, the price would be more towards 2,500€ , 1,000 € or 1,500€.

By the way, while we are at it:

What exactly does your offer to your target group actually look like?

Feel free to write it in the comments.

(Reading tip: Improve usa email list your writing style with these 5 exercises)

Using this formula, you can also see how you can improve your offer.

For example, you can increase the result by saying:

“Hey, lose 10 kg in 10 weeks.”

Then you can perhaps increase the result by saying 15 kg instead of 10 kg.

– Of course, everything has to be proven to work. –

How can you increase the likelihood that this will actually happen?

For example, through coaching.

Through one-on-one calls.

Through mentoring calls

Through a group.

Through accountability.

Through scientific research.

Through your own experience.

All of this increases that must have been pretty exhausting the likelihood that the result will occur.

You then divide that by the time.

The faster, the better.

This means that the smaller the time factor, the more points you get.

And all this agent email list minus the price, of course.

This way you can calculate how good your offer is.

By the way, recommended reading:

If you want to work through the topic of offer creation in detail, then I recommend the book by Alex Hormozi.

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