Thomas Masek: Especially as a startup in the early days, we were regularly exposed to crises. These crises were less dependent on global developments, but they taught us how to deal with crises and, in particular, how to act agilely. This is the core of what has got us through the last two to three years. Dealing with changes agilely and also implementing unpleasant measures, such as short-time work, quickly. At the same time, this means recognizing and seizing opportunities. For me, being transparent with the team and customers plays almost as important a role as the measures themselves. During the acute phase, we scheduled weekly team meetings
so that our team could be sufficiently supported
But of course you have developed a certain strength from your supposed weakness as a startup… What do you think: is this the oft-quoted “new normal”, i.e. one crisis and challenge after the next? Or will it be OK at some point?
I think that every entrepreneur is also a crisis manager to a certain extent. Changes and crises existed before Corona. My impression is that the effects of Corona and the current energy crisis, inflation and fear of recession are affecting the population and economy much more broadly than, for example, the financial crisis. This creates more implications for every person and every company. And it is difficult to see an end in sight.
Nevertheless, every crisis has its own end and the situation today is mom data different from that in March and April 2020 with Corona. Some companies are in a better position today, others are worse off. Overall, it is likely that the lifespan of companies and business models will be shortened when constantly changing crises bring new challenges.
However, every crisis overcome also strengthens a company. This is reflected in the following aspects:
Self-confidence increases, not least because you have somehow mastered this crisis.
Other market participants had to give up during the crisis, opening up the opportunity for new market shares.
Perhaps things were initiated that were due anyway, but were qatar numbers too uncomfortable in a comfortable situation.
When it comes to plans for the future, we in our organization assume positive development, but are prepared to react quickly and consistently if something goes differently or does not go according to plan.
“In international comparison, Germany offers outstanding opportunities for companies and their employees to overcome crises . ”
Topic: “Risks, challenges and impacts of the crisis”
If we ask you as an entrepreneur who – as you yourself have That must have content production 2024: references for authentic posts been already indicated – has already gone through many crises: What particular challenges do you see coming for (smaller) companies and organizations as a result of the current situation?
Small companies in particular are more vulnerable because they usually have a smaller capital base, are less diversified and are often dependent on a few customers or a group of customers. At the same time, they can react to changes more quickly and easily. This requires courage and creativity and not every attempt will work.