Storytelling as well as industry-relevant topics and guests

In the B2B sector, it is particularly important to convey content that really helps the listener. Focus on clear best practices, explanations of complex topics and immediately implementable strategies rather than anecdotes without added value or a common thread. Storytelling as well as industry Address current events in your industry. Is there any new news, legislation, innovations, trends or requirements that have an impact on your work and your industry?

Invite your customers to your shows too. Industry influencers have probably already made a few podcast appearances. Your existing customers or prospective customers, on the other hand, will give you completely new insights, ideas or concerns. You will get to know your customer base better and can use the new knowledge for the future.

Alternatively, you can tell something about bc data brazil your own journey to success, your defeats and the lessons you learned along the way. Important: Storytelling as well as industry Don’t fall into endless palaver! Your listeners’ attention is precious.

Give your listeners instructions on how to solve problems. What are the strategies for success? If you have been successful in business for a long time, dispel popular myths and misinformation. Where do you still see opportunities for growth that are not obvious to others?

B2B products and services are often a bit more complex. A podcast gives you the opportunity to explain your product or service in detail and seo copywriting: 10 secrets to ranking better in an understandable way. You determine the length and extent to which you want to explain a topic. Storytelling as well as industry Either within one episode or spread over several episodes.

You can also review products, tools, industry announcements, regulations or events. If you have already found some listeners, you can answer questions sent in or recorded by listeners.

Is a B2B podcast worth the effort?

Anyone thinking about producing a B2B podcast must expect relatively high production, time and personnel costs. Podcast marketing is still cheaper than, for example, a commercial, but a podcast cannot be produced “just like that”.

So the question is: is it worth the effort? The answer: yes – but with limitations. Do you have a specific target group that you can tailor the podcast to europe email and that is interested in it? Do you have the specific content that is needed? Storytelling as well as industry If you can answer these questions with “yes”, then it is worth starting a B2B podcast. Basically, make sure that you offer something special, if not unique, that will make you stand out from the crowd.

You also need enough topics to fill long-term podcast plans, and you should have enough staff and time to devote to production.

Even if you don’t see immediate success and results, you still need to keep producing episodes. In the podcast world, a certain level of continuity and perseverance is required to reach an audience and keep them engaged. If you publish episodes irregularly or abandon the project after two or three episodes, you simply come across as unprofessional.

How do you measure the success of a B2B podcast?

Measuring the success of podcasts is somewhat diffuse. At least you can see download and subscription numbers, and iTunes also allows you to check the average listening time. However, the market is currently too fragmented to define uniform metrics that can also be presented to sponsors or other interested parties.

The most reliable tool at the moment is listener reactions. Reviews and star ratings on iTunes in particular have proven to be helpful. Storytelling as well as industry Don’t be afraid to ask your listeners for reviews or comments and to share on social media.

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