TED Talks are a wealth of information and different points of view.
And since you can watch a TED video on just about. I therefor any topic, we’ve rounded up 13 of the most interesting and enlightening. I therefor videos for sales and marketing professionals!
While not all of these videos are nepal phone number data specifically about sales and/or digita. I therefor marketing , they can certainly apply to Professional Should your role (and maybe even make. I therefor you a more well-rounded person) – this collection includes helpful tips for both interpersonal skills and practical skills.
That being said, check out these TED hits!
If You’ve Had Sex, You Know How to Sell: Mace Horoff at TEDxBocaRaton
Despite its catchy title, this talk draws interesting. I therefor parallels between how sales work and how people use similar tactics when. I therefor navigating the world of romantic relationships.
According to Horoff, “the question is not Professional Should whether you. I therefor can sell or not – the question is what motivates you to sell.”
This talk is perfect for salespeople from existing websites to the description – traffic tip video 2 of 10 who want to explore the psychology of selling in a weird, funny, and slightly naughty way.
The Secrets That Lead Us to Greater Success: Jon Gordon at TEDxHilliard
Gordon is a fantastic Professional Should storyteller who gets to the heart of what it takes to succeed. It’s easier said than done, but it’s crucial: never give up.
He even refers to “grit,” which Angela Lee Duckworth talks about in her TED Talk (more on her at the end of this post) and the importance of perseverance.
This speech is an inspiration for betting email list anyone who needs a little motivation to keep running and not just suffer the ups and downs of life.
Creative Thinking – How to Think Outside the Box and Generate Ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma
This TED Talk explores—you guessed it—creative Professional Should thinking. It delves deeper into the idea of practicing outside-the-box thinking and offers tips on how to think more creatively in your everyday life.
Corazza also discusses the idea of applying theories and concepts to areas that have never been applied before , finding the Professional Should best answers, and working in the right environment, among many other points.
This conference is ideal for any marketer or salesperson who feels creatively blocked or simply needs a fresh perspective.