Online marketplaces: Opportunity for new and old B2B customers

B2B e-commerce is not just limited to EDI or your own online shop. Online marketplaces So-called B2B marketplaces offer companies many opportunities. Above all, access to new and old customer groups as well as international markets. B2B brands can take advantage of this. In this article, we explain the potential of online marketplaces for B2B companies.

  • Digital marketplaces are becoming increasingly relevant for manufacturers and B2B retailers
  • Buying behavior in the B2B sector is changing and marketplaces are benefiting from it
  • Acceptance among B2B users for established online marketplaces is high
  • Reach and internationalization are two major advantages of marketplaces
  • SEO/SEA and online campaigns are changing to meet the demands

Marketplaces are essential in B2B e-commerce

By 2024, B2B marketplaces will have paytm database medium to high relevance for B2B customers for 78% of B2B retailers (source: ibi research). According to the study, B2B online shops are more relevant in the future than marketplaces.

In our B2B trend paper from 2018, we predicted that Online marketplaces . B2Bs that have not developed an e-commerce strategy by 2020 will lose access to markets. \ In 2018, 1,300 billion euros were traded electronically between business customers via websites, online shops, marketplaces and EDI. Electronic B2B procurement continues to grow strongly and has grown by an average of 15% per year since 2012 (source: IFH ​​Cologne). The greatest growth impulse in B2B e-commerce comes primarily from the areas of online shops and B2B marketplaces.

According to a study from 2019, 45% of respondents see sales platforms (marketplaces) as an opportunity for their business model (source: Bitkom). Between 2015 and 2020, the number of platforms in B2B trading increased by 150% (source: Ecom). Online marketplaces These developments in the B2B sector rhythm in the blood make it clear how important it is to develop a strategy for using established marketplaces such as Amazon Business, Mercateo, Alibaba, Contorion and Aera.

The relevance of orders by phone and in writing or via field service/sales will hardly play a role in five years. This development is not new and has been apparent for years as companies simplify and digitize their purchasing processes. Another europe email issue to consider is payment (on account, prepayment, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Paypal, Ratepay, etc.), which can simplify processes and reduce risk. An e-commerce strategy and the integration of marketplaces such as Amazon Business, Mercateo, Alibaba, Contorion, Aera is essential.

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