And it’s just it just really shows that, like, unless there’s something it’s really a deal breaker. Especially if it’s a large contract. You should just get things moving. Daniel Burstein: Yeah. Okay. Well, here’s another lesson you learn. AB Lieberman: Location matters. Daniel Burstein: This is when Location manners you move to China. AB Lieberman: Right? Okay. So, appreciate that, little, so phone number database where we we we liv all over the world. We liv in China for about six months. And it was it was a a great learning experience. Also very challenging experience. So in China, everything’s bann. WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Google, everything’s bann. And so, living in China, trying to run a company that reli on Google Docs and Gmail and WhatsApp and TikTok, prov to be extremely hard.
We lost, all of our clients. Revenue dropp at two theses on marketing potential one point only $700 a month. It was a really hard and challenging time, and it really taught me, the importance of being in a place that is accessible and that has access to what you ne in order to run your company.
And that you really Location manners ne to take that into account when thinking about where you’re going to move and where you’re going to live. When we liv in L.A., that was extremely, fruitful for our company.
I liv in L.A. for almost two and a half years, and, we, we had access to parties and events and networking opportunities.
I met multiple large celebrities, there that I was able to get contact info and then work with in the future. And, time zone wise, a lot of our clients at the time were, were on time.
So being a local time is a local phone number uae phone number that anyone could call, really help us get more involv in the celebrity and, talent world of LA and Hollywood. Daniel Burstein: Yeah.
And that’s a great lesson because, you know, we live in this digital marketplace where we can be all over the world. Right now. You’re in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I’m in Jacksonville, Florida.
We can do this together. You know, people Location manners forget the. But the physical location can still matter. So I like that example. But let me ask you this.
You’re talking about that for your SAP, your business. Do you have any specific examples of how you use location in your marketing? So for example, I wrote a case study with a real estate company where a local landing page drove a 47% higher conversion rate versus a non location bas landing page.