Google better organizes our world

Last year’s over hyped skydiving was replaced by down to earth. By grounded product enhancements. We’re live from the Google IO conference in SF with 6,000 developers, press, and media in San Francisco’s Moscone event center. We noticed a lot of Glass Explorer units (which surprisingly was barely mentioned in the keynote) we’ve purchased two to test. And will write up a detailed post on them after we’ve done a thorough test. Today’s Google’s announcements. In conclusion, were a wreck; a series of products flipping in front of you. Rather than a well laid out showroom.

To make sense of this patchwork

Set of announcements from a fragmented company. We’ve identified some top level trends: Key Trends at Google I/O: Products enhanced and . However, interconnected –no major new products announced. Google can coordinate across all of your screens, making multi-screen easier showing its ability to tie together all of your experiences across the Google-system. Ironically, Google did not mention Google Glass. We believe this is because it was overhyped last year. Failed to meet . However, production deadlines this year. Google+ had several enhancements including a new 3 column layout akin to flipboard.

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Deeper content with flippable

Content cards, Hangout now extended to multiple browsers, Google+ profiles have improved sign on capability–but no adoption numbers were touted in this flailing social network. Google is virtually replicating planet earth, but “improving” the quality. Google maps is becoming a *Virtual World*. 3D experience with our Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List uploaded photos. With virtual goggles like Occulus Rift you can walk through this virtual world, experiencing our world in just a few mouse clicks. The company announced the ability to use more granular location to allow. Therefore, better targeting of mobile users with apps and offers.

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