How do you use follow-up emails correctly in B2B?

“How did you like our seminar?”, “These products might also be of interest to you.” or “We miss you, come visit us again.” – There are numerous reasons for follow-up emails in emails correctly in B2B. Used correctly, they have great potential to increase customer value and loyalty. In this guest article, Eva Hahnelt from our partner Inxmail shows what is important when implementing follow-up emails in the B2B sector and how to best use them.

  • Follow-up emails are event-related and highly personalized.
  • There are many different reasons for follow-up emails in emails correctly in B2B.
  • As a follow-up email after events, after a purchase or a booking.
  • Automated data management is the basis for successful campaigns.

Follow-up emails or follow-up emails belong to the category of trigger emails. They are sent automatically for a specific reason and are highly personalized. Follow-up emails differ from other trigger emails in that they are based bc data china on the recipient’s previous behavior. This means that an action must have taken place before a follow-up email is triggered. This could be, for example, clicking on a specific link, attending an event or purchasing a product. Even the absence of an action can trigger the sending of a follow-up email. This allows marketers to respond precisely to the wishes of their readers or customers and strengthen the bond.

Data is the key to success

Tailor-made follow-up campaigns can be easily implemented with marketing automation. This involves automatic processes that focus on one or more of these aspects: generating leads, retaining customers, enriching data and sending personalized reading tip: storytelling – the 27 laws mailings. emails correctly in B2B In email marketing, the focus is therefore on trigger and transactional emails as well as automatic product recommendations.

Good data management is essential for successful marketing automation and thus also follow-up campaigns. Existing knowledge about readers and emails correctly in B2B customers should be analyzed, used sensibly and enriched with new data . Keyword: personal tracking. But be careful: the collection of personal data may of course only take place with the consent of the respective recipient.

In addition, the data flow and comparison between the various systems used must be ensured. Online shop, CRM, campaign management software europe email and web analysis tools provide a colorful bouquet of data. In order to use this data in the best possible way for follow-up campaigns, a reliable connection to the email marketing solution is a prerequisite.

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