Do you make money from your videos? If so, how and can you make a living from it?

Yes, I earn money from the videos .

In addition, I produce videos on behalf of companies, conduct workshops, advise companies and individuals on their YouTube strategy and video production and pass on my know-how in video courses.

Thanks to this variety of sources of income, I can australia phone number data now make a living from YouTube in a broader sense and work full-time in an office together with some freelancers on my projects.

Can you still start today and build a successful YouTube channel?

Absolutely! It does take a lot of perseverance, but with the right strategy and high-quality make a living, optimized content. Success on YouTube is just as possible today just like all the guides on as it was five years ago.

Although the offering has grown, the platform is also becoming increasingly established among new (older) target groups.

Finally, I would be happy to hear your most important tips for aspiring YouTubers.

In my opinion, aspiring YouTubers should not let technical aspects and their equipment hold them back at the beginning. Make a living but rather start with their idea and try things out.

What is important at the beginning is a clear call to action and added value for the viewer to subscribe to the channel in order to build a community. I also think argentina numbers it is important that the videos are presented well and are easily accessible to new viewers. This includes a confident appearance, as well as a clear content structure.

And of course you should have fun and be make a living passionate about what you do. You can tell that from the videos and that’s the only way you’ll stick with it and keep going in the long term.

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