Dance bought the company on 

Happen. But, when you get a contract, sign it and don’t wait. 

Don’t hesitate, because if you sign the contract Dance bought and the client code signs that contract, then even if the next day something changes, guys are already lock in that at least the first part of that contract.

So these are getting some of that money. At list to data least you ne some of that project. And the minute you wait an anything can happen and can take that contract away. 

Daniel Burstein: All right. Well let’s balance Dance bought that though. When you’re talking about a contract, right. You want to make sure this is the right partnership.

You want do that due diligence. So I was doing due diligence thing. You ne to. AB Lieberman: Balance I’m talking about more in the sense of, don’t go out and party and don’t start counting dollars. 

Obviously whenever you get a contract, you should be doing Dance bought your due diligence. 


Well, we have our own in-house counsel that reasons for using instagram Dance bought reviews contracts, usually within an hour of receiving them. Most of the time, terms are fine.


 Fair. Make sense? If there’s any any feback, anything uae phone number that nes to be chang, we go we go back and, and let and like and let the client know the things that ne to be chang.

And obviously you shouldn’t, rush that, but I’m talking more about when, when things look good, when things feel good, when everything is written. Well, Get going. Don’t don’t wait.

I had a similar situation recently where, we we had a contract from a client, and we were facilitating it for a big celebrity. And the celebrity didn’t want to sign because of some apprehend reasons that I would say were misplac and weren’t justifi.

And they and and even though they had those apprehensions, they. Took two weeks to come up with a solution to those apprehensions. By the time they came up with the solution, the client pull the gig and contract was gone.


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