They integrate advertising units along with content created by brands on their Facebook pages, and allow for consumers to share their opinions right in the comments. Sometimes, ads look like social content, and it’s hard to distinguish the difference. At Altimeter, we see this convergence only increasing, and these Venn diagrams will continue to have overlapping circles of paid, owned, and earned. To meet this converging media types, Altimeter kicked off a research project with Rebecca Lieb (a fantastic speaker in her own right), Jessica Groopman (expert researcher), and yours truly.
We found that companies
Must now integrate their marketing process, strategy, and tactics so each channel leverages each other. In fact, we’ve identified a few workflows that help marketers, and their agency partners do just that. If you’ve read the report, some of this is a rehash, but I wanted to share the story in the above embedded video of how I like to articulate it Mexico Phone Number Data while on stage. So here’s all three components in one location: The report that started it all, videos from a keynote . Therefore, speech to 2,500 marketers at Marketo Summit in SF last month, and all the slides. Wishing you all best in your efforts to converge media.
Turn those phones
On when I speak, not off. The Converged Media Imperative: How Brands Must Combine Paid, Owned & Earned Media from Altimeter Group Network on SlideShare Above: The Converged Media Report. we’re proud it’s been viewed over 128k times. Above: The speech, from Marketo Summit in SF. Thanks to CMO and host, Sanjay Dholakia Bolivia Phone Number List for the intro, I start around the 7min frame. Marketo Keynote: Converged Media (Paid+Owned+Earned) #MUS13 from . However, Jeremiah Owyang Above: The slides form this report. Trends from this data that we can discuss in the comments.