The future of artificial intelligence: what will become of humanity?

The future of artificial intelligence scares most people, doesn’t it? After all, are we really going to be replaced by machines as science fiction says, or is it all an exaggeration?

In this content we will answer these main questions and try to be as objective as possible about the coming years.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Recent Advances

The future of artificial intelligence is so impressive because the present is already incredible. As such, the vast majority of people don’t even know what to expect from it.

However, to get everyone on the same page, it’s important to talk about recent advances in AI.

Deep Learning

First, we have deep learning, which in short is performing tasks considered complex, with interesting precision in various fields.

Whether it’s creating text, an image, processing audio, offering ideas, etc. The tool that still surprises the most today is ChatGPT with all its GPT-4 technology.

Helping various areas of society, from medicine to content creation. Absolutely everything has been impacted by AI.

Natural Language (NLP)

Another aspect of AI that is already present in the lives of the vast majority of people, including on their cell phones, are virtual assistants with natural language. Google Go, Siri, Alexa and many other tools have been revolutionary.

Not only because it brings that great sense of science cameroon whatsapp data fiction as we see in the main works, but it also democratizes technology. After all, older people and children have more access to these tools.

NLP is not only amazing at speaking like a human being, but also understanding our language in a solid and even sophisticated way than deep learning.

The future of artificial intelligence: ethical debates

Artificial intelligence has advanced significantly and ethical debates have become increasingly intense. In other words, the discussion about how the leaders in atm solutions will be able to dangerous AI is for humanity in general.

After all, it can be used as a weapon of war, as media control or in more extravagant and debatable cases as an enemy of all of us humans.

Will artificial intelligence replace people in their jobs?

The big truth is that yes, people will lose their jobs to artificial intelligence and automation in general.

Therefore, the debate on AI regulation is very important and we as humanity need to understand that changes cannot happen overnight.

It is true that technologies have always brought positive china phone numbers aspects to the whole world, but whenever a great technology comes, a great legislative change in the world must accompany it.

Not only to maintain the ethical limits in force in each country, but to give people the opportunity to change careers, retire or gradually have no professionals in that field of society.

With this happening in all countries, the benefits for all humanity will be maximized and the losses minimized, as has always been the case at any time in history.

Will artificial intelligence end humanity?

Although science fiction lovers predict the end of humanity, it is a fact that this is almost impossible to happen just through artificial intelligence.

We need to remember that every technology has a natural limitation and we just don’t know yet what AI’s limitation is, but it will have a limitation. Until we find out, we can have our bets,

but this comes much more from fear of the unknown than from an actual threat.

A very interesting example is that in the 1920s, people believed in flying cars in 2020, but do we have flying cars? No, because it doesn’t make sense to have them.

Imagine the number of accidents in the sky, technology to build such a car and many other factors that limit the existence of flying cars now and in the future.

The same goes for functional cell phones made of holograms, traveling to the past, teleportation, colonizing Mars, and many other technologies that will never be as we imagine or will never exist.

In the distant future, elementary school kids will look at us with laughter at the naive fear generated by 80s classics.

Whenever we imagine a dystopian future, it is one of artificial intelligence that is practically impossible to exist without human assistance. For this to happen, government limitations and treaties will exist.

Artificial intelligence in sensitive areas

As we said before, artificial intelligence has impressive precision, but contrary to what the general public thinks, it is not infallible.

Proof of this was the terrible Therac-25 accident in the 1980s. Since then, artificial intelligence has not been and will never be 100% infallible.

One of the big discussions is artificial intelligence being used in the legal and health fields and the most affected so far, which is privacy.

Sensitive areas like these raise fair and lucid concerns about the potential problem of artificial intelligence.

For example, medical diagnoses that are not accurate even with a vast database. On the legal side, the distribution of sentences without considering the human side. And of course, the massive collection of data of the most varied types on the internet.

Not only is this a strong argument for why AIs will never replace a human, it also shows that transparency is key.

There is no clear solution to this yet, but we all know what the first step in this story is: discussion, which is exactly what we are doing here.

The future of artificial intelligence and humanity

The most sobering conclusion about artificial intelligence is that it is here to help when we consider transparency, ongoing debate and legislation when applied.

AIs are a powerful tool for humanity, in their jobs and in their private lives and in creating a better society.

It’s true that everything seems to be happening very fast, right? However, soon everything will calm down and we will get used to the idea of ​​such a powerful tool.

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